WordPress Security – 10 Ways to Secure Your Website

WordPress Security: WordPress is one of the popular content management system using world wide. Easy to manage and customize, even many of the big name brands using WordPress.

wodpress security improve tips

Big number of websites use WordPress, so definitely need to secure it. Due to its popularity, WordPress sites are easy targets for hackers. They can hack your admin panel or server in order to send spam. Specially for E-commerce website security is big concern. In this post we will give you some tips to secure your WordPress website.

Ways to Secure your WordPress Website

1) Keep Update your themes and plugin Up to Date:

In WordPress many of plugins use for enhance website functionality. You can get lots of free plugin and easily configure in your website. Plugin authors regular release updation for plugins, like they add security patches in it.

So whenever you got Update notification regarding Plugin or theme, Must update it. Doing this you can prevent your WordPress website to get hack.

2) Use Secure Hosting:

Secure hosting play vital role in website security. As per study 40% of the WordPress website are down due to hosting service providers. So get a secure connection for your website. Its did not cost too much.

3) Get Security Plugins:

To get security alerts from your website, many WordPress plugins are available on internet. Such are completely free and inexpensive. Some good security plugin are Sucuri, Wordfence, BruceProtect. These plugins help to reduce the risk of website being hacked.

4) Delete Unused Plugin and Themes:

When WordPress install on your website, its comes with some free themes and plugins. Although you can use default installed WordPress themes in starting phase, but for long run it can be a problem.

Many plugin and themes reside on WordPress as unused, this can be security issue for your website. If you website get hacked and infect these unused plugin and themes, its going to stay infected without even you don’t know. Delete completely from your WordPress such kind of plugin and themes.

5) Choose Good Rating and Reviews Plugin:

To enhance the WordPress functionality many free plugin available on internet. They are completely free to use for anyone. When you choose such kind of plugins for your website, keep in mind that plugin has good reputation on web. Use only plugin has good ranking and reviews. This can also minimize security threat for your WordPress site.

6) Avoid Using Admin as Username:

By default WordPress username is “admin”. And most of the WordPress user take it as it is, Which is easy for hackers to gain access. So avoid to use admin as username, instead of it use any strong username.

7) Limit WordPress Login Attempts:

With the Bruce Force attack, hackers try to login WordPress in your site continuously with random username and password. To prevent this activity limit WordPress login attempts for specific IP in specific period of time. By doing this you can stop this activity.

For doing this Login Lockdown WordPress plugin available on web. Using this plugin you can set login limits for particular user.

8) Change File Permissions:

Avoid 777 permissions for your WordPress directories, Use instead of 755 or 750 for it. Set wp-config.php file to 600 and other files to 640 or 644.

9) Update you Password Often:

Keep changing your WordPress site password oftenly. Its recommended that use password generator tool for accomplish this. By doing this regularly prevent you WordPress site get hacked.

10) Take Backup of your website:

Scheduled your website backup also good security strategy. It ensure you if your website get infected or hacked than you will able to restore it. Get some plugin for simple backup and built in restore feature like BlogVault , WordPress Backup to Dropbox etc.

By using above mentioned WordPress security tips you can reduce the chance to being hacked. These ways helps you to secure your WordPress website.

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About Harish

I am professional web developer and blogger. Use this blog to share own api and other web development experience with you. I do accept paid work. Write to me at - [email protected]

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